Saturday, April 08, 2006

Shall we enter this "political thicket"?

The Observer, Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College's student-run newspaper, ran a political cartoon on Friday you can find here. It made me go "Hmmm."


Becca said...

Go Chai and some other ND law students for doing more than just saying "Hmmm."

mel said...

I drove by a pretty sizable rally in front of City Hall in Main Street today. It was about immigration, but I don't know exactly what the point was. There were a bunch of white people (at least, the ones I saw with these signs were white) holding signs like "Keep the South Southern" and stuff not-very-nice-sounding directed at illegal immigrants, but then there were a bunch of Hispanics and other non-white people. I tend to assume that they were a little more favorable toward immigration than the first group. I think that one group must have been there to rally and the other there to protest the rally, but I don't know which was which. (Haven't read the news yet...)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Becca! And I'm sure that you would have been there had we been better about publicizing the event. :-) Maybe next time.

Uh, wait, I don't want there to be a next time!