Thursday, December 06, 2007


I am totally going to open up one of these one day. What could be better than a cup of something warm and a fuzzy kitty to snuggle (or snorgle, if you're an ICHC lurker)? I'm thinking this would go well in a college town where there are a lot of 18-24 year old women living in apartments that don't allow pets.

Here's Calico's website. It's in Japanese, but if you click the second link down on the sidebar on the left you get pictures of all their cats.


Joanna said...

you and me together next year?

Becca said...

Totally! And all the mugs will be triangular and made by Kyle. I think I might be serious. For real. This has potential, if the health department will agree.

Vanessa said...

I want a place like this in my town! My fiance and I don't plan to have indoor pets after we marry, but I love kitties and would greatly enjoy a place like this. Of course, I'd spend all my extra money hanging out there... ;)