Monday, December 11, 2006

Something else that is not studying

Okay, I give in. I started out expressing skepticism of the Jung Typology Test, and took it only to prove The Bard wrong. Heh. According to the test, I'm a skeptic.

But now I'm intrigued. My first thought as I was reading the description of my supposed INFJ personality (preferences 44-75-12-1) was, "Whoa, this totally explains my life experience and related frustrations with existence." My second thought was, "Huh. I wonder what my friends are, and if this thing works."

So... What are you? The test only takes a minute or two. What did it say, and do you think the result accurately describes you?


mel said...

All right, I took it earlier today, but I forgot to write down my percentages, so I just took it again. The first time I was INTJ; the second time, I was ISTJ. I think the difference was probably just from one or two questions. I'll post more on my blog...

Anonymous said...

This is the only personality exam I've found that actually pretty informative and accurate.

-Josiah (INTP)

ryan said...

I'm definitely an INTJ.